Friday, September 7, 2012


This project is called Newimal, I chose a puppy face and decided to mix it with an owl body. I think the results are pretty good, but next time I want to pick better animals to mix. It was really difficult to make the face look natural on the owl body.


These are my practices from the gradients lesson today. They were pretty easy and simple, and everyones looked the same haha, but i learnt alot of neat techniques that i can now use in photoshop.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Childhood Yummy

For this project I chose to use a lychee instead of a banana. I named this Childhood yummy, because when I lived in Africa my brother and I used to climb the lychee tree outside our house and pick the lychee's for a yummy snack. In this project i learnt how to make something have a reflection of of something. For instance my lychee fruit looks like its sitting on a table, because of the reflection I made.

Bicycling Is a Lifestyle

This is my project from the "color tutorial". In this lesson i learnt how to make a colorful silhouette of anything i choose. I chose to do something a little it different to everyone elses. I chose a vintage picture, and also made my colors pastel instead of really bright. I really like how it turned out, and I might get it printed and hang it in my room.


This is my second try with the "Splat Fant" tutorial, and I actually like how this one turned out a lot better than the bunny. Even though you might not be able to see the flowery pattern completely, i think it looks a lot more natural, and less like it was just copied and pasted onto it.  

Chevron Bunny

This is my first attempt of the "Splat Fant" lesson, and i chose to do a bunny with chevron. I Like how it turned out, especially since i love bunnies, and chevron patterns. I learned how to put patterns onto anything i want, and to make it look somewhat normal.