Thursday, December 20, 2012

On the third day day of photoshop...

This is probably one of my favorite projects we've done. I got to make it look like i was interacting with one of my favorite fictional characters. I absolutlely love this picture

On the second day of photoshop...

For this, with our photoshop skills, we had to make our own galaxy picture, I especially like the gradients I used. 

On the first day of photo shop...

For this project we had to bring an inanimate object to life.
I chose lipstick, my first try was alright, but my second try was alot better. it looks alot more realistic.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Book Cover

For this project we had to one, draw a character, so i did star girl from one of my favorite books. Then we had to make a bookcover out of our drawings. I made my book covers look like they were the same series but different stories. Im pretty proud of the outcome.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


For this retouching, i had to not only do the face, but the whole body. Even though she was already perfect, in the retouching world today i was expected to change her a lot. like making her look skinnier, and making her chest look bigger. It was good practice, and even though she looked good originally, i still like the outcome.


 These are my three retouching girls. I had to take these images of these woman and completely retouch them. It was very tedious  and a bit annoying but they look a lot better than the beginning. I had to remove freckles, blemishes, uneven skin, make them look a bit skinnier, and some other needed touching up. Even though it took a lot of time, it was a good learning experience, and something i can use again and again.


So this is the text project where we had to stretch our skills in typing and text on Photoshop. It was good practice and cool to learn new ways to change text. My favorite was the "Africa" one. I LOVE the outcome.

Disney Newimal & Magazine Cover

This is probably the project I'm most proud of so far. We had to make Two Disney animals into one. I chose Tinkerbell and dumbo... which was a lot harder than i expected because they're such opposites. then after we did that we had to make a magazine cover with the Disney newimal and put 7 stories on it, and a bar code. i tried color coordinating it towards the character, and making the magazine more of a sleaze magazine, which i think turned out great.


Stamping was a fun project, we had to take images and turn them into stamps on Photoshop. I did two, one an elephant, the other a tree. The elephant one i tried making it look like you should have 3D glasses to look at it, i love it. this project was really fun and i enjoyed it a lot.


For this project we had to choose a distinctive shape/ picture and outline it with words. i chose an elephant and i really liked the outcome, especially because its easily noticeable. It looks easy, but it was very tedious outlining the whole image.


 For this project, i had to make a celebrity into a fictional character. i chose to do the bratz, so i just made all four instead of just one. i like the turn out, they all look really similar to the dolls which is what i wanted. the trickiest part was probably the feet, they had to be big without looking horrible.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Disney Newimal

This is Dumbobell, she/he... i dont really know what gender it is, is a mix between disney classics tinkerbell and dumbo. I love how it turned out, but it was weird to mix such completely opposite characters. the dress, and the eyes was probably the most difficult part.

Friday, September 7, 2012


This project is called Newimal, I chose a puppy face and decided to mix it with an owl body. I think the results are pretty good, but next time I want to pick better animals to mix. It was really difficult to make the face look natural on the owl body.


These are my practices from the gradients lesson today. They were pretty easy and simple, and everyones looked the same haha, but i learnt alot of neat techniques that i can now use in photoshop.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Childhood Yummy

For this project I chose to use a lychee instead of a banana. I named this Childhood yummy, because when I lived in Africa my brother and I used to climb the lychee tree outside our house and pick the lychee's for a yummy snack. In this project i learnt how to make something have a reflection of of something. For instance my lychee fruit looks like its sitting on a table, because of the reflection I made.

Bicycling Is a Lifestyle

This is my project from the "color tutorial". In this lesson i learnt how to make a colorful silhouette of anything i choose. I chose to do something a little it different to everyone elses. I chose a vintage picture, and also made my colors pastel instead of really bright. I really like how it turned out, and I might get it printed and hang it in my room.


This is my second try with the "Splat Fant" tutorial, and I actually like how this one turned out a lot better than the bunny. Even though you might not be able to see the flowery pattern completely, i think it looks a lot more natural, and less like it was just copied and pasted onto it.  

Chevron Bunny

This is my first attempt of the "Splat Fant" lesson, and i chose to do a bunny with chevron. I Like how it turned out, especially since i love bunnies, and chevron patterns. I learned how to put patterns onto anything i want, and to make it look somewhat normal.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Frog Tongue

1.Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.
- I love my final piece, i think it came out really well.
2.How successful do you feel this piece is and why?
- I think it is pretty successful, it was hard but i tried to make the same colors of the tongue go all the way through, so it looked somewhat real.
3.What worked about this project? What didn’t work?
- What worked is the color of it all the way through, and what didn't work is, maybe the hands? they kind of look like there not on the face.
4.If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?
- I would consider changing the shadow behind the hands so they look more realistic.
5.What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?The most difficult part was definitely making the texture and color follow all the way through the tongue.
6.What did you learn from this piece?
I learned how to one make a frog look like a tongue, to make shadows, and also forming the tongue and frog together.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Angry Pancakes

1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.
-My thoughts on this piece is that I loved the project, and that I'm excited that i now know some of the basics of photo shop.
2. How successful do you feel this piece is and why?
-I did a lot better on this project then i thought i would, because I've never been good with computer software's.
3. What worked about this project? What didn’t work?
-what worked is the color and size of the mouth, what didn't work is maybe the blueberries on top, i could have done something with those.
4. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?
-I would change the blueberries, and maybe have him also eating something.
5. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?
-The most difficult part was making the perfect size opening for the mouth.
6. What did you learn from this piece?
-I learned a lot, like how to use some of the basics of photo shop, such as making the space for where the mouth is.